Module 4

Module 4: Design learning scenarios with Europeana content and resources

During this module, we will:
  1. Explore 5 learning scenarios which use Europeana resources
  2. Learn about tools and selected methodologies, such as PBL, Augmented Reality or STEAM subjects
  3. Find examples of 21st-century skills for students in the context of learning scenarios, and how Europeana can contribute to their development

4.2 Project-based learning and augmented reality with Europeana

Past of the Alsace - half French, half German
Gilles Roisin-Firtina, History lesson

This learning scenario addresses the history of Alsace, which is a region currently in France, by the German border. By comparing different maps, students will become aware of the construction of their country borders. At the same time, they will reflect on the kinds of problems and political tensions that had to be solved in the 20th century, which led to WWII.

By working collaboratively, students will select Europeana WWII resources, discuss ideas, and use ICT and augmented reality tools to produce a learning outcome, including video records, images and so on.


Do you use Project-Based Learning or Augmented Reality in your classroom? If so, please share your experiences in this Padlet! If not, think of an activity involving PBL or AR that you could use in your classroom and share your ideas with us!

I use PBL both in my science courses and in my greek language course, because it helps my students develop skills like critical thinking, creativity and collaboration. The lesson is more interesting this is why the students prefere this kind of learning. 
As for the AR way of teaching and learning I have already tried some activities, but not much, due to lack of software and equipment.

4.3 An Inquiry-Based Science Education lesson with Europeana

Story of Darwin and the Comet Orchid: a discovery told by original material
Matteo Cattadori, Biology lesson

The scenario Story of Darwin and the Comet Orchid that Matteo has created revolves around Charles Darwin and how he was able to predict the presence and shape of an insect from the study of an orchid shape, years before the insect was discovered. The insect was not discovered until after Darwin’s death. The activity presents the story using original material (books and letters) and biological samples included in the Europeana archive. 

Why use Europeana in IBSE methodology?
Nowadays, inquiry is easier to implement in classrooms thanks to digital resources, and this is exactly what Europeana provides. Thanks to the use of digital material in the classroom, students engage effortlessly with activities, precisely because the scenario includes stimulating images and sounds. Europeana provides material that can be used to implement different kinds of IBSE activities in your classroom, and digital material that can be used to help carry out the experiment or present the results of an activity based on an IBSE methodology.
Take a look at the following video, where Matteo Cattadori explains how he has implemented his learning scenario with his students:
Also, you can access the scenario and all the resources used by Matteo on this page.

My opinion: I loved the way the teacher used the Google Forms. I will try it with my students.

4.4 A Physics and Technology lesson with Europeana

Sounds of Nature: recording and analysing natural environment sounds
Rafael Montero, Physics lesson

This learning scenario created by Rafael Montero is intended for an interdisciplinary lesson where Biology and Technology teachers work together to deliver a blended lesson. In this lesson, high school students will study recordings of birds from the Europeana repository and compare them with their own recordings of local fauna.
Students have to analyse the pitch and frequency of the audio data. In addition, students have to develop field work to collect real-life data from nature (using their mobile phones) and combine it with their classroom study. 

4.5 A History lesson with Europeana

Napoleon as seen by the opponents, through satirical cartoons in Europe (1800-1821): Cartoons as a tool to understand an historical period
Jean-Christophe Jost, History lesson

In this scenario produced by Jean-Christophe, students are work together to complete a task. In order to do so, students are required to read the images and explain their idea about the historical context in which they were created .
According to research by Laal and Ghodsi (2012), the benefits of collaborative learning are many.
All the materials that Jean-Christophe used to create his scenario can be found here.
Finally, here is a step-by-step video guide and reflection on the actual classroom implementation!
Overview of the lesson, with each step described.
Introduction to the lesson on Napoleon, background, character, etc., made by the teacher
Overview of the group work and each step
1st step of group work
2nd step of group work
3rd and final step of group work
Each group presents its findings

Activity > >

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